Felsing Family DNA Testing

Richard Felsing, Terry Felsing and Betty Felsing have submitted DNA tests to FTDNA, ancestry.com and Gedmatch. We have found new relationships through DNA testing. We have confirmed suspected relationships through DNA testing. If you suspect that you are related to the Felsing line, we strongly suggest that you submit your DNA to one of the testing services.

The following ancestor lists should make it easier to find possible matches.

Ancestor lists:

Paternal ancestors of Richard and Terry Felsing

Maternal ancestors of Richard and Terry Felsing (Ancestors of Betty Felsing Osborne)

Ancestors of Judy Lynn Gordon

Paternal ancestors of Daniel A Heinrich

Maternal ancestors of Daniel A Heinrich

DNA testing services:

ancestry DNA

Family Tree DNA

23 and Me DNA

Comparing matches among different testing services and other utilities:
