Kukkus Families Home Page
Genealogy of the village of Kukkus, Russia
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Kukkus was first settled on 26 Jun 1767 by a group of approximately 181 settlers from Germany. Kukkus is located at map coordinates 51.0872 N, 45.9497 E. Other names for Kukkus are Neubrabant, Neu-Brabant, Volskaya, Volskoye, Wolskoje and Privolzhskoye as it is known today.

This database attempts to follow the genealogy of those original settlers along with those who came later. Through census records, surname charts, records available from the AHSGR and from many other resources I have attempted to reconstruct the family lines of those settlers. Of course, this is a work in progress, and I have a very long way to go. But the process is started. Enter a name in the search box or click the 'surnames' button to just browse. By clicking the "Search" button above you can browse the database. Or you can enter a name and search for someone specific.

Anyone with an interest in Kukkus can click on the Albums button to browse photo albums of Kukkus pictures and view letters sent by Kukkus residents.

I have tried to use a simplified common sense approach to names. Many of the records used were originally written in Russian by Russians who were gathering information from a German speaking population. The errors caused by misunderstanding, language changes over many years and translation difficulties have produced many errors and many variations of surnames. I am trying to use what I believe is a proper German spelling of the names involved even if the record in question has the name spelled differently. For the reason of consistency I am spelling names today perhaps differently from the way they were spelled a few hundred years ago.

There are many possible duplicated names. The German people used a small pool of names in naming their children, resulting in many people having the same name. This of course creates great confusion. I will merge two people into one record only when I am certain that both records refer to the same person. In many cases I am not certain and therefore duplication exists. Having said that I am certain that I have made mistakes. An email to me pointing out any mistakes will be greatly appreciated.

If you want more information on Kukkus or on any of the other Volga German Settlements visit both the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Website and the Center for Volga German Studies Website which have links included below. In addition to a voluminous amount of on-line information available, you can also order not only much of the same reference materials I have used to prepare this website (from the AHSGR) but numerous other materials covering the entire gamut of Volga German studies.


Various links for additional Kukkus and Volga German Information:

If you have names of Kukkus inhabitants or their descendants who do not appear in this database and you would like to see them included, please contact us. If you have additional information or corrected information on people who are in the database, please contact us with the additional or the corrected information. Thank you.

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If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.